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In the many months since Twilight Sparkle transferred to Canterlot High, Sunset Shimmer's been to her house a good number of times, enough for it to feel reasonably familiar. So when she notices something she's never seen before -- a large, blue-tinted plush shark she calls her blåhaj -- on Twilight's bed, she can't help but ask about it. She's a little surprised to find Twilight looking a bit embarrassed about her stuffed animal -- but when Sunset realizes it might be emblematic of a sore spot in Twilight's life, she realizes it's up to her to restore the magic of the blåhaj.

Can be read as either platonic or shipping.

What's a blåhaj? Here's a summary. And remember the accent on "blahaj"!

Pre-read by Dewdrops on the Grass and The Sleepless Beholder. Featured 30 January-2 February 2024.

Chapters (1)

Trixie travels Equestria and shows off her amazing powers while simultaneously calling out ponies to out-perform, but what if there is more to it than simply showing off? What if they are being baited for something far more sinister? DARK FIC.

Chapters (1)

Daring Do has always had a knack for exploration. Usually, one should listen to locals when they promise to you on their life's blood that your next destination may be the end of you... But she was Daring Do, no way were a bunch of old stories going to turn her away.

Chapters (5)

In the wake of a harrowing experience in the caves beneath The Pie Farm, Pinkie Pie is left twice-cursed—first by disturbing visions, and then by a question: will she ever sleep again?

Huge thanks to Chudo, RB, TMBT, Oblivion, Wayward, Smokinguy, and gapty for helping fine-tune the fic via prereading and editing.

Cover art done by MissTwipie.

Chapters (5)

Even after the arrests, even after the avalanche of damning papers, even after the last crimson-stained feather has been pulled from the last grinder's gears... Dust knows those Rainbow Factories are still mulching minds unprepared to face them.

The difference now is just if she'll find her way out in time.

100th fic anniversary, folks! Figured since I had my start in one grimdark universe, I should make this milestone focus on another. Pic credit goes to DarkLamprey, btw.

Winner of the 64th Panic Fic Contest in Quills and Sofas Speedwriting, overseen by ROBCakeran. The theme was Device(s).

Chapters (1)

Pronoia: believing the world is conspiring in your favor
Paranoia: believing the world is conspiring against you

As a former member of Canterlot's elite law enforcement team, Twilight Sparkle is used to a certain level of responsibility. However, her years of experience are rendered useless by her sudden and unwanted transfer to the sleepy little town of Ponyville. With no other option, she chooses to give into the monotony.

But this all changes when a grisly murder shocks the entire town. As the only member of Ponyville's police force equipped to deal with this sort of thing, Twilight welcomes her first real case in over two years. But she quickly realizes that there is more to this murder than meets the eye. It seems Twilight's past has followed her to Ponyville.

With the help of her loyal assistant Spike, a series of strange clues, and some cryptic notes, Twilight tries to figure out the identity of the pony or ponies who have wrapped her up in their bizarre game.

Chapters (17)

When the Gardens of Equestria were activated, many ponies believed the trying times were over and Equestria would become the paradise it had once been within a few short years.

As if the wasteland would give up that easily.

Monsters still roam the wasteland. Apex predators left unchanged from before the war. Mutant horrors born of balefire. Sadistic people whose hearts went black long ago... The Gardens did not kill. They did not reform. The Gardens did the one thing they were designed to do.

The Gardens cleaned up toxic waste everywhere their light could reach. No more, no less.

With radiation all but gone in most of the wasteland, taint entirely eliminated from Equestria's heartland, and much of the old farmland fertile once more, ponies everywhere banded together to take advantage of the world Pip healed... By forming large yet isolated settlements which over time joined one of two nations: The New Canterlot Republic, or the Herd.

These two ideologically opposed nations have clashed for over a decade. Border skirmishes are frequent. Black ops have been preformed by both sides. All out war has nearly broken out several times.

You can take the waste out of the wasteland. It's much harder to take it out of the wastelanders.

It is into this politically charged world that a newcomer arrives. A zebra from a remote northern kingdom, separated from Equestria for these many years by a megaspell induced winter that is at last dying down. A pity she arrives just as the other newcomers are enacting their bid for power.

This story is based on the story Fallout Equestria written by Kkat. It has been written with permission.

Featured on: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 7:18 AM UTC :yay:

Chapters (48)

Mistwake, a young hippogriff student, begins attending the School of Friendship. Her roommate is annoying, she can't stop thinking of home, and there's something off about her pink-haired professor. Horrors hidden in the dark are beginning to reveal themselves.

When her roommate starts coming back to their dorm in the middle of the night, she knows something is definitely wrong. Or is it? Students overworking isn't exactly breaking news. Then again, what exactly could she be working on in the middle of the night?

(Written for "A Change of Pace" Contest. This is my first piece conceived and written for a contest. I'm not exactly sure if I made it on time for the deadline because of timezone differences. If I did, neat. If not, I still like the story. Also, it's written for the Halloween season. Boom, two birds with one story.)

Chapters (1)

Ancient etchings reveal that far more sinister creatures reside here in Equestria and that sometimes, things are better left undisturbed, unquestioned, and unseen.

Slightly HEAVILY inspired by Lovecraftian horror.

Chapters (1)

With Nightmare Night just around the corner, a group of friends decided to have their guys' night telling each other ghost stories in the White Tail Woods by a campfire. After some good fun of telling urban legends and creepy stories, the last pony, Inkwell, decides to finish the night by telling them about his experience in a town called Rathdrum. He recounts the time when a cult had lurked in the pine forests - and how one night, he had an encounter with them.

Based on an Idaho urban legend of the Rathdrum Witches.

A special thanks to a friend who had proofread and gave me the much-needed feedback to improve the ending who shall be remained anonymous.

Chapters (1)